The School of Biological Sciences Libraries has a team of librarians working on providing resources and support in and out of the library space.
Go to iDiscover
What is iDiscover?
iDiscover is the search platform used by the University’s libraries to help you search print and online collections using a single search. Find books, ebooks, videos, theses, open access content and more. You can also login to manage your borrowings, requests, fines and saved search results. Find more information in the iDiscover LibGuide.
Databases |
What is the A-Z Databases LibGuide?
It is a platform with all databases, digital archive collections, and primary sources available for University of Cambridge members. This guide will give a direct database link, allowing you to be logged in as a University member (avoiding paywalls). You can search by subject, name or initial letters. You can also see on the right side any new and popular available databases.
Journals |
We offer physical and electronic journals across the Biological Sciences Libraries. Some platforms will help you to keep up to date with specific titles.
Reading Lists Online - Leganto |
What is Reading Lists Online, sometimes known as Leganto?
Reading Lists Online is a platform that provides easy access to your course reading lists. It shows the location and availability of print books and links to electronic books, articles, websites, videos and digitised chapters.
Resource Recommendation |
Can't find a book or article in Cambridge University Libraries?
You can use this online form to suggest an acquisition. A specialist librarian will evaluate the suggestion with reference to our collection policies and, if possible, will acquire the resource from one of our many suppliers in your preferred format (e.g. hardcopy or electronic) where available.
Software |
From Office 365, EndNote to SPSS and MatLab, the University offers its members many options with some software available for free and some at a reduced rate. We also have direct links to download some popular reference management software.
Special Collections & Archives |
The Biological Sciences Libraries have many resources that are historical or out of print as well as unique archive collections. For help with these items, please contact your subject librarian
LibGuides & CamGuides |
Curated by your specialist subject librarians, these subject guides will help you to keep informed about resources relevant to you.
Theses & Dissertations |
A curated resource with links to databases (internal and external) to help you find the dissertations or theses you need, whether you are studying at undergraduate or postgraduate level.
Help finding a resource
The Biological Sciences Libraries Team are here to help. We have some tips to help you troubleshoot common problems library users can face when searching for a resource while at the University of Cambridge.
Help and support for detailed enquiries are also available from the Biological Sciences Libraries team. We can answer your queries by email, or by appointment in a mutually convenient location or platform for an online meeting.
Email: sbslibraries@lib.cam.ac.uk
Twitter: @sbslibraries