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Biological Sciences Libraries


Veterinary Library Collection 


Our collection supports our Clinical Veterinary and PostGraduate students, Clinical teaching and PostDoctoral research.


➤ Main Library Collection

The Veterinary Library, situated in the West Hub, is part of the libraries at Cambridge, who's aim is to support the teaching and research within the department. The main collection covers all aspects of veterinary medicine with a large emphasis on the clinical aspect. It also houses information on medical and scientific subjects that crosses over into veterinary medicine. The resources include a range of veterinary, medical and scientfic texts.  The clinical aspect of the veterinary medicine course takes place in the final 3 years of the 6 year course. The subject reflects the clinical aspect of veterinary medicine. We also house a selection of scientific and research level literature.

Visit our dedicated LibGuide


➤ Books

  • Books

All our books can be found on iDiscover These will be listed either as a print version with a classification number or a link to the online version of the book.

The Classification System used is Library of Congress.

EDI & Wellbeing Collection

The Library supports the work done by the University and other diversity and inclusion initiatives taking place across our institution. Part of this support takes the form of a dedicated EDI & Wellbeing Collection which can be found  by searching iDiscover. Topics covered include mental and physical wellbeing, race equality, LGBTQ+ rights, parenting, disability justice, inclusive recruitment and much more.

➤ Journals 

Our current subscriptions are only for e-journals. We do offer an unique archive of hard copy journals in our specialist subject which can be found by searching iDiscover  and then ordering through the ILL system.

Our e-journals are available through the iDiscover platform.

For a virtual guide to using iDiscover click on this link

The Classification System used is Library of Congress.

There is access to photocopiers; copying of articles and books is permitted only within the Copyright Law. The West Hub has its own Wireless Network

➤ Recommend a Book or Journal

Please recommend books, journals and eresources that you think the Library should have. Make sure that we don't already have the item by searching for it in iDiscover or eresources pages.

New book recommendation form

New journal or database recommendation form














Opening hours

The West Hub is open from 08.00 until 21.00 Monday to Friday.

Workspaces are available throughout the day on a first come first served basis.

The Library team are onsite from 09.00 until 17.00 with the North Room available from building open to close.

Contact Information:

Librarian: Lorraine Leonard


Postal Address:

The Library 
The West Hub JJ Thomson Ave
CB3 0ES 


Veterinary Librarian's Hours of work: 

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 - 3:30pm

Physically present in the library Tuesdays

Working from home Thursday

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For further information:

Email: Lorraine Leonard, Librarian