Welcome to the Plant Sciences Library
Frankie Marsh is the subject specialist librarian located within the Department of Plant Sciences and the Sainsbury Laboratory. Frankie is part of the Biological Sciences Libraries team and provides library services to Plant Sciences students and researchers.
You can find Frankie in the Library on Tuesdays and Fridays but she works at the Cory & Herbarium Libraries on other days so it is often easiest to contact her via email: plant@lib.cam.ac.uk.
The library will be unstaffed on Tuesday 4th February.
Library services
The library offers a range of services, including:
- access to plant sciences books and resources in print and online
- undergraduate and postgraduate skills training
- online reading list support
- research support, including open access and data management
- in-depth literature searching
- referencing support and troubleshooting
- interlibrary loans and Scan and Deliver requests
- copyright support
This list contains just a few examples of how we can help, so do not hesitate to contact the Library for further assistance. There is a online induction on Moodle that can be used to supplement or refresh your knowledge of the library spaces and services.
The Plant Sciences Library is open 24/7 for current members of the Department and undergraduate students taking Part II Plant Sciences.
Other NST-B students taking Part IB and Part II courses taught by the Department may also be given card access to the Library between the hours of 8am and 9pm after they have attended a Library induction. Please contact the Library to arrange this.
All other students and non-members of the Department or the University may visit during staffed hours only. Please contact the Library in advance to discuss arrangements.
Contact information
Librarian: Frankie Marsh Academic Librarian: Professor Alison Smith
The library is staffed on Tuesdays and Fridays.
LibGuide: http://libguides.cam.ac.uk/plantsciences
Email: plant@lib.cam.ac.uk
Tel: 01223 333930
Postal address:
Plant Sciences Library
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
Cambridge CB2 3EA
United Kingdom