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Biological Sciences Libraries

Need a book from the Plant Sciences Library?  

We are open to all current members of the Department. All other staff and students at the University of Cambridge may use the library and borrow books during staffed hours. Please get in touch before you visit.  

Searching for books

  • Use iDiscover to search for physical and electronic resources across the University of Cambridge.
  • Choose ‘Plant Sciences Library’ from the drop-down menu or use the filters on the right-hand side of the search results screen to find physical books in the Plant Sciences Library.
  • For more information on searching in iDiscover, use the written and video tutorials on the iDiscover LibGuide.

Finding books in the library 

  • When you have found a book in iDiscover, note down the classmark so that you can easily find it on the shelves.
  • Each book has a unique classmark that comprises two letters and a number, for example AB 360, CA 272 or UB 470. The letters refer to the subject area of the book. Within each subject, books are given a running number. 
  • Many of the Plant Sciences Library books in iDiscover say ‘Check holdings: 0 copies, 0 available’ but this does not mean the book is unavailable. 
  • Books that are used for undergraduate courses taught in the Department are held on the ‘Reserve’ shelf, which will be noted next to the classmark in iDiscover. Reserve books cannot be borrowed. 
  • Print journals are shelved in the downstairs bays and on the mezzanine. They are organised alphabetically by title and cannot be borrowed. 
  • Use the map of the library to find your items and contact the Librarian if you are having any trouble.  

Borrowing books 

  • Use the online borrowing form to record the books you are taking away.  
  • You can borrow up to 10 books from the Plant Sciences Library.  
  • Loans are automatically renewed. 
  • Books can be recalled by other library users. If so, you will receive an automated email asking you to return the book within 3 days. 
  • If you need a book that is listed as being ‘on loan’, you can request it by logging in to iDiscover. You will receive an email when the item is ready to collect. 
  • You will receive a statement on the second day of every month which lists all of the items you have on loan from most libraries across the University. This is for information only.  

Returning books

  • Please return books by either giving them to the Librarian during staffed hours or placing them on the Librarian’s desk. The Librarian will then ensure the books are removed from your account.
  • If you are returning a book that has been requested by someone, please let us know so we can make sure it gets to them as soon as possible.

Can’t find a book you need?

If the book should be on the shelves, please let us know so we can look for it and try to help you with other options in the meantime. If we don’t have a book you need for your course or your research, then place a book request and we will do our best to get it for you!