Welcome to the Department of Psychology Library
The Psychology Library offers a cosy study space and print collections covering core subject areas on the first floor of the department building. Alina Wanitzek is the librarian and webmaster for Psychology – find her at the information desk Mondays to Thursdays, or email psychology@lib.cam.ac.uk with any questions.
Library Services
Services provided by the Psychology Library include:
- Support with enquiries (in person and via email or Teams)
- Support for Reading Lists Online
- Undergraduate study skills training
- One-to-one support with literature searching, referencing and troubleshooting
- Research support, including open access and data management
- Copyright support
Digital Services (e-resources)
Digital Services are currently offered by the Biological Sciences Libraries team.
Print resources
See Searching & Borrowing in the Psychology Library.
Postgraduate skills
If you're looking for support with research skills at postgraduate level, have a look at our Training pages and the Research Skills Series.
The library space
Our library holds print collections covering material on undergraduate reading lists as well as research topics relevant to the department. For more information, visit the Psychology Collections page. We have twelve desk spaces and a sofa corner for more relaxed study. The MacCurdy Room, which is separate from the main library space, can be booked for group study or meetings for up to six people. Printing and PC facilities are available in the computer room next to the library. More details on our spaces can be found on the Facilities page.
The library is open to students and staff in the Psychology Department, as well as other University members. External users can contact the library to arrange a visit. Department members with card access have 24 hour access to the library.
Access hours by user group:
- Psychology Undergraduates Part IA & IB - Access to the library during reception opening hours, from 9am-12:30pm and 1:30-5pm Monday to Friday.
- Psychology Undergraduates Part II - 24 hour card access.
- Psychology Postgraduates and staff - 24 hour card access.
- Cambridge students and staff - Access to the library during reception opening hours, from 9am-12:30pm and 1:30-5pm Monday to Friday.
- Visitors - On request, depending on space and staff availability.
Contact information
Librarian: Alina Wanitzek (she/her) Academic Librarian: Dr Greg Davis
LibGuide: https://libguides.cam.ac.uk/psychology-guide
E-mail: psychology@lib.cam.ac.uk
Phone: 01223 333554
Postal address: Library, Department of Psychology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EB
Follow us on Instagram @psychology_library
New student/researcher?
We have a page with information to guide you through your first days.
Virtual Learning Environment
On Moodle, you will find links to your reading lists with some scanned chapters, lecture notes and more.
If you do not have access to your Moodle course, send an email to psychology@lib.cam.ac.uk.
ⓘ If you want to find out more about our courses, visit the Department of Psychology website.
ⓘ See also the page for Undergraduates Transferable skills.
Postgraduate students will find courses and seminars links in the postgraduate pages of the Department of Psychology Website.
Postdocs and Researchers
Researchers/Postdocs will find many talks posted on the Psychology talks and events page.
Information you may need:
- Information on how to use Legal Deposit
- Printing in the Department of Psychology (PSYCHOL-FindMe)
- E-Books and E-Legal Deposit: What’s the difference? (by SPS Library Blog)
- Scan and Deliver will continue to be offered where possible, according to CLA.
- Quick links to Psychology papers on the Reading Lists Online page (access via those links will not grant access to scanned chapters tagged on the record).
- A Guide for students using the Reading Lists Online platform is available at https://libguides.cam.ac.uk/Leganto/students.