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Book classmarks are numbers = MacCurdy Collection classification

Book classmarks are letter + numbers = Main Library Collection classification







X008H0 4.15 MacCurdy, J.T. The psychology of war.
X0001H 4.3 MacCurdy, J.T. Common principles in psychology and physiology.
X004R1 4.8 MacCurdy, John Thomson. The psychology of emotion : morbid and normal /
X008GR 8.1 Hoche, A. Dementia paralytica; Handbuch der Psychiatrie, Spez. Teil 5 Abteilung.
X008GI 8.1 Bleuler, E. Dementia praecox.
X008GJ 8.11 Kraepelin, Emil. Psychiatrie.
X008GK 8.12 Kraepelin, Emil. Psychiatrie.
X008GD 8.13 Kraepelin, Emil. Psychiatrie.
X008GE 8.14 Kraepelin, Emil. Psychiatrie.
X008GU 8.19 Henderson, D.K. A text-book of psychiatry for students and practitioners.
X008GS 8.2 Stransky, Erwin, 1877- Das manisch-depressive Irresein /
X008GH 8.2 Paton, S. Psychiatry; a text-book for students and physicians.
X008GT 8.3 Isserlin, M. Psychologische Einleitung;Handbuch der Psychiatrie, Allgemeiner Teil, 2 Abteilung.
X008GO 8.4 Jauregg, J.W. von. Myxodem und Kretinismus. Handbuch der Psychiatrie, spez Teil 2 Abteilung, 1 Halfte.
X008GP 8.5 Weygandt, W. Idiote und Imbezillitata.
X008GL 8.6 Voss, Georg. Die Ätiologie der Psychosen /
X008GQ 8.7 Redlich, Emil, 1866-1930. Die Psychosen bei Gehirnerkrankungen /
X008GM 8.8 Bumke, Oswald, 1877-1950. Gerichtliche Psychiatrie /
X008GN 8.9 Aschaffenberg, G. Die Einteilung der Psychosen. Handbuch der Psychiatrie, Spez Teil, 1 Abteilung.
X0001C 16.1 Kallmann, F.J. The genetics of schizophrenia.
X008JB 100.63.1 Whittle, P. Binocular rivalry. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008LG 100.64.2 Murray, D.J. Some effects of overt response at presentation upon subsequent recall. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008LD 100.72.2 Huppert, F.A. Memory in animals: changes in trace strength as a function of time. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008LA 100.73.1 Einon, D.F. A study of the partial reinforcement effect in animal learning. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008L7 100.74.1 Clifton-Everest, I.M. Reading and perceptual organization. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008L1 100.76.2 Sahakian, B.J. The effects of isolation on unconditioned behaviour and response to drugs in rats. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008L4 100.76.2 Sahakian, B.J. The effects of isolation on unconditioned behaviour and response to drugs in rats. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008KU 100.77.2 McShane, J. Learning to talk. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008KR 100.79.3 Sargent, C.L. Intrasubject and extrasubject factors in Psi test performance. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008LF 100.79.5 Hewitt, K. Contextual aspects of memory in normal and pathological states. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008LC 100.83.4 Stockman, A. The spectral sensitivities of the middle- and longwavelength cone mechanisms. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008L9 100.84.5 Stephenson, C.M.E. Processing of relative spatial phase information in foveal and peripheral vision. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X008KC 100.87.1 Taylor, M.J. The nature and significance of body image disturbance. Unpublished PhD thesis.
X0001T 12.1 Trotter, W. The collected papers of Wilfred Trotter.
X008RG 12.11 Trotter, W. 1872-1939. (Wilfred), Instincts of the herd in peace and war /
X0001N 12.15 Hellpach, W. Grunlinien einer Psychologie der Hysterie.
X004Q5 12.17 Storring, G. Mental pathology in its relation to normal psychology.
X004Q4 12.18 Bonhoeffer, K. Die Symptomatischen Psychosen.
X00017 12.19 Pickworth, F.A. Chronic nasal sinusitis.
X008GG 12.2 Rolleston, Humphry Davy, Sir, 1862-1944. Idiosyncrasies /
X004Q3 12.2 Bleuler, E. Affectivity, suggestibility, paranoia.
X004PK 12.38 Browne, W.A.F. What asylums were, are, and ought to be.
X00860 12.4 Babinski, J. 1857-1932. (Joseph), Hysteria or pithiatism and reflex nervous disorders in the neurology of war /
X008G9 12.47 Oppenheim, H. Lehrbuch der Nervenknakheiten fur Arzte und Studirende.
X008GA 12.78 Blackmore, R. A treatise of the spleen and vapours. Reprint.
X008GC 12.7a Prince, M. The unconscious.
X00015 12.9A Banister, H. Psychology and health.
X0053O 16.8 Kraepelin, E. Dementia praecox and paraphrenia.
X008GB 16.9 Bleuler, Eugen, 1857-1939. Dementia praecox; or, The group of schizophrenias /
X008FH 20.7 Dicks, Henry V. Clinical studies in psychopathology : a contribution to the aetiology of neurotic illness.
X0003R 20.9   Handbook of affective disorders /
X008FK 24.19 Muller, G.E. Handbuch der Neurasthenie.
X008FI 24.45 Hadfield, J.A. Psychology and memntal health : a contribution to developmental psychology.
X004V9 28.1 Wolpe, J. Psychotherapy by reciprocal inhibition.
X004V1 28.1 Bernheim, H. Suggestive therapeutics.
X004US 28.15 North, Maurice. The secular priests /
X004V8 28.2 Witmer, H., ed. Teaching psychotherapeutic medicine.
X004UJ 28.25 Meyer, Victor Campbell. Behaviour therapy in clinical psychiatry /
X004V6 28.4 Ross, Thomas Arthur, 1875- An introduction to analytical psychotherapy /
X004TM 28.55   Research methods in clinical psychology.
X004V4 28.6 Sechehaye, M. A new psychotherapy in schizophrenia.
X004TH 28.61   Handbook of behavior modification with the mentally retarded.
X004V2 28.8   Prelogical experience.
X008FN 32.1 Stekel, W. Technik der Analytischen Psychotherapie.
X004TB 32.22 Rank, Otto, 1884-1939. Das Trauma der Geburt und seine Bedeutung für die Psychoanalyse /
X008G8 32.4 Rank, Otto. Der Mythus von der Geburt des Helden.
X008G7 32.7 Ferenczi, S. Versuch einer Genitaltheorie.
X008G5 32.8 Aigremont, D.r. Fuss und Schuh-Symbolic und Erotik.
X008FQ 32.9   Entwicklungsziele der Psychoanalyse...
X008FL 36.32 Freud, S. Beyond the pleasure principle.
X008FJ 36.33 Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. Group psychology and the analysis of the ego /
X008CL 36.42 Freud, S. Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die Psycho-analyse 3. Fehlleistungen Traum Allgemeine Neurosenlehre.
X008FM 36.43   Studien uber Hysterie.
X008G6 36.44 Freud, S. Selected papers on hysteria and other psychoneuroses.
X008G4 36.45 Freud, S. Three contributions to the theory of sex.
X008G3 36.46 Freud, S. The history of the psychoanalytic movement.
X008FT 36.47 Freud, S. Jenseits des Lustprinzips.
X008G0 36.48 Freud, S. Jenseits des Lustprinzips.
X008FO 36.49 Freud, S. Zur Geschichte der Psychoanalytischen Bewegung.
X008FR 36.5 Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Kongress Budapest) 1918 : (5th : Zur Psychoanalyse der Kriegsneurosen : Diskussion gehalten auf dem V. Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Kongress in Budapest, 28. und 29. September 1918 /
X008FU 36.51 Freud, S. Die Traumdeutung - Funfte, Vermehrte Auflage.
X008G1 36.52 Freud, S. Uber Psychoanalyse.
X008G2 36.53 Freud, S. Uber Psychoanalyse.
X008FV 36.54 Freud, S. Uber Psychoanalyse.
X008FS 36.55 Freud, S. Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexual theorie.
X008FP 36.56 Freud, S. Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893- 1906.(2nd ed revised).
X008CP 36.57 Freud, S. Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre 2 folge.
X008IF 36.58 Freud, S. Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre 3 folge.
X008IG 36.59 Freud, S. Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre 4 folge.
X008IB 36.6 Freud, S. Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten.
X008IA 36.61 Freud, S. Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci.
X008I4 36.62 Freud, S. Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die Psycho-analyse 1. Vorlesung 1- 4:Einleitung; Fehlleistungen.
X008HU 36.63 Freud, S. Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die Psycho-analyse 2. Vorlesung 5- 15: Die Traum.
X008HS 36.64 Freud, S. Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die Psycho-analyse 3. Fehlleistungen Traum Allgemeine Neurosenlehre.
X008I5 36.83 Freud, S. Selected papers on hysteria and other psychoneuroses.
X008HR 36.84 Freud, S. Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre.(2nd ed).
X008GV 4.8a MacCurdy, John Thomson. The psychology of emotion : morbid and normal /
X008I7 40.22 Jung, C. G. 1875-1961. (Carl Gustav), Contributions to analytical psychology /
X005D4 44.3A Eysenck, H. J. 1916-1997. (Hans Jurgen), The dynamics of anxiety and hysteria : an experimental application of modern learning theory to psychiatry /
X0057G 56.1 Binet, Alfred. Les enfants anormaux : par Alfred Binet (et) Th. Simon.
X0055C 56.78 Ssikorski, J.A. Uber das Stottern.
X008IC 56.83 Hinshelwood, J. Letter-, word- and mind-blindness.
X008I1 60.1 Kanner, L. Child psychiatry.
X008I9 60.2 Levy, D.M. Maternal overprotection.
X0001M 64.1 Healy, William, b.1869. The individual delinquent : a textbook of diagnosis and prognosis for all concerned in understanding offenders /
X005HJ 64.1   Searchlights on delinquency : new psychoanalytic studies : dedicated to Professor August Aichorn on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, July 27, 1948 /
X005HL 64.12 Andry, Robert G. Delinquency and parental pathology : a study in forensic and clinical psychology.
X0001D 64.2 Healy, William, 1869-1963. Pathological lying, accusation, and swindling : a study in forensic psychology /
X005HT 64.21 Cabot, P. S. de Q. (Philippe Sidney de Q.) Juvenile delinquency : a critical annotated bibliography /
X005HU 64.22 Glueck, Sheldon, 1896- Unraveling juvenile delinquency /
X008I3 64.24 Bonhoeffer, K. Die akuten Geisteskrankheiten der Gewohnheitstrinker: Eine klinische Studie.
X008I6 64.4 Rogers, C.R. The clinical treatment of the problem child.
X005J5 68.8 Luria, A.R. Higher cortical functions in man.
X008I8 72.11 Binswanger, O. Die epilepsie, zweite auflage.
X008I0 72.12 Binswanger, O. Die epilepsie, zweite auflage.
X008HP 72.153 Parkinson, James, 1755-1824. An essay on the shaking palsy /
X008HQ 72.21 Winslow, F. On obscure diseases of the brain, and disorders of the mind.
X008HT 72.48 Seglas, J. Des troubles du langage ches les alienes.
X008HV 73.39 Wilson, S.A.K. Aphasia.
X008I2 73.4 Ross, J. On aphasia.
X008J6 73.41 Langdon, F.J. The aphasias.
X008J8 73.42 Bernard, D.r. Die Asphasie.
X008J2 73.43 Elder, W. Aphasia.
X008K0 73.44 Collins, J. The faculty of speech.
X008JQ 73.45   Aphasia.
X008JU 73.46 Bateman, F. Aphasia and the localization of the faculty of speech.
X008JN 73.47 Bastian, H.C. Aphasia and other speech defects.
X008JL 73.48 Mirallie, C. L'aphasie sensorelle.
X008JO 73.49 Ballet, G. La langage interieur.
X008J9 73.5 Kussmaul, A. Les troubles de parole.
X008JE 73.51 Kussmaul, A. Die Storungen der Sprache.
X008JP 74.14   Animal magnetism.
X008JF 74.4 Mesmer, Franz Anton, 1734-1815. Le magnétisme animal /
X0064V 76.1 Remplein, Heinz, 1914- Psychologie der Persönlichkeit : die Lehre von d. individuellen u. typ. Eigenart d. Menschen /
X00659 80.1 World League for Sexual Reform. Sexual Reform Congress : proceedings of the third congress London 8-14 October 1929 edited by Norman Haire.
X008JS 80.3 Forel, A. Die sexuelle Frage.
X008JR 84.2 Deutsch, Albert. The mentally ill in America : a history of their care and treatment from colonial times : by Albert Deutsch /
X0066H 88.11 Rey, André. Six épreuves au service de la Psychologie clinique.
X008L8 A.26 Spearman, C. Psychology down the ages.
X008L5 A.27 Spearman, C. Psychology down the ages.
X008L2 A.29 Warren, H.C. A history of the association psychology.
X008L6 A.30 Hall, G.S. Founders of modern psychology.
X008L3 A.31 Ribot, T. L'evolution.
X008L0 A.32 Muller, G.E. Zur Theorie Sinnlichen Aufmerksamkeit.
X008KQ A.33 Brett, G.S. A history of psychology, vol 2: mediaeval and early modern period.
X008KT A.33A Brett, G.S. A history of psychology, vol 3: modern psychology.
X008KP A.34 Brett, G.S. A history of psychology.
X008KS A.35 Volkmar, W.V. von. Lehrbuch der Psychologie.
X005UO A.49 Sorsby, A. A short history of ophthalmology.
X008KV A.56 Jentsch, E. Julius Robert Meyer.
X008LE A.57 Binswanger, L. Einfuhrung in die Probleme der Allegemeine Psychologie.
X008LB A.58 Bastian, A. Zur Naturwissenschaftlichen Behandlungsweise der Psychologie durch und fur die Volkerkunde.
X008LV A.60-63 Crampton, C. The Cambridge School, vols 1-4. PhD thesis.
X008M2 A.60-63 Crampton, C. The Cambridge School, vols 1-4. PhD thesis.
X008M5 A.60-63 Crampton, C. The Cambridge School, vols 1-4. PhD thesis.
X008M8 A.60-63 Crampton, C. The Cambridge School, vols 1-4. PhD thesis.
X008LJ B.29-32 Pearson, C. Life, letters and labours of Francis Galton.
X008LM B.29-32 Pearson, C. Life, letters and labours of Francis Galton.
X008LP B.29-32 Pearson, C. Life, letters and labours of Francis Galton.
X008LS B.29-32 Pearson, C. Life, letters and labours of Francis Galton.
X008M7 B.35 Asratyan, E.A. IP Pavlov: his life and work.
X008NT C.1.122 Ferrier, David, 1843-1928. On tabes dorsalis.
X008NU C.1.123 Ferrier, D. The Croonian lectures on cerebral localisation.
X008OA C.1.124 Ferrier, D. The localisation of cerebral disease.
X008OC C.1.125 Hyslop, T.B. Mental physiology, especially in its relation to mental disorders.
X008O5 C.1.202 Bonin, G. von. The cerebral cortex.
X008NV C.1.203 Hill, L. The physiology and pathology of the cerebral circulation.
X008M4 C.1.24 Ladd, G.T. Elements of physiological psychology.
X008M1 C.1.24A Ladd, G.T. Elements of physiological psychology.
X008O0 C.1.354 Burns, B. Delisle author. (Benedict Delisle), The mammalian cerebral cortex /
X008LU C.1.38 Augier, E. Mecanismes et conscience.
X008LR C.1.39 Bancels, J.L. des. Introduction a la psychologie.
X008LO C.1.42 Levy, J. The brain and its functions.
X008LL C.1.43 Toulouse, E. Emile Zola.
X008LI C.1.46 Abernethy, J. Hunterian oration.
X008M6 C.1.47 Ziehen, T. Introduction to physiological psychology.
X008OD C.1.49-50 Wundt, W. Grundzuge der Physiologischen Psychologie vols 1-2.
X008OG C.1.49-50 Wundt, W. Grundzuge der Physiologischen Psychologie vols 1-2.
X008NP C.1.51-51A Wundt, W. Grundzuge der Physiologischen Psychologie vols 1-2.
X008OE C.1.51-51A Wundt, W. Grundzuge der Physiologischen Psychologie vols 1-2.
X008NR C.1.52 Preyer, W. Die Seele des Kindes.
X008O3 C.1.53 Maury, L.F.A. Le sommeil et les reves.
X008OF C.1.54 Schilder, P. The image and appearance of the human body.
X008OB C.1.56 Ferrier, D. Functions of the brain.
X008O1 C.1.56A Ferrier, D. The functions of the brain.
X008O8 C.1.67 Wundt, Wilhelm. Grundzuge der Physiologischen Psychologie.
X008NS C.1.68 Ischlondsky, N.E. Brain and behaviour.
X008NQ C.1.72 Maudsley, Henry. The physiology of mind.
X0039O C.10.2 Great Britain. Central control board (Liquor traffic). Advisory committee. Alcohol : its action on the human organism /
X0039J C.10.6   Alcohol and man /
X000RP C.11.1   Experimental approaches to the study of emotional behavior /
X008PT C.2.123   Classical transmitters and transmitter receptors in the CNS.
X008PV C.2.123A   GABA and neuropeptides in the CNS /
X008PU C.2.123B   Integrated systems of the CNS /
X008PS C.2.123C   The Peripheral nervous system /
X008PR C.2.123D   Integrated systems of the CNS Part 2 : central visual, auditory, somatosensory, gustatory /
X008PQ C.2.123E   Analysis of neuronal microcircuits and synaptic interactions /
X008PP C.2.123F   Neuropeptides in the CNS : part 2 /
X008PO C.2.123G   Ontogeny of transmitters and peptides in the CNS /
X008Q0 C.2.123H   Neuropeptides in the CNS /
X008PF C.2.137   Handbuch der Anatomie und vergleichenden Anatomie /
X008PG C.2.138 Lewandowsky, M. Handbuch der Neurologie, Erster Band: Allgemeine Neurologie 1.
X008PH C.2.138A Lewandowsky, M. Handbuch der Neurologie, Erster Band: Allgemeine Neurologie 2.
X008PI C.2.147   The CIBA collection of medical illustrations. pt 1 : anatomy and physiology : a compilation of paintings depicting anatomy and embryology [etc.] /
X008PJ C.2.148   The CIBA collection of medical illustrations. pt.2 : neurologic and neuromuscular disorders : a compilation of paintings depicting pathophysiology [etc.] /
X00023 C.2.16 Parker, George Howard, 1864-1955. The elementary nervous system /
X008PK C.2.170 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 1849-1936. The work of the digestive glands : lectures /
X008PL C.2.171   A text-book of biology
X008PM C.2.172   A text-book of biology
X0001R C.2.18 Hewer, Evelyn Everard. An introduction to the study of the nervous system /
X0001O C.2.20 Burkholder, J.F. The anatomy of the brain.
X0001P C.2.21 Lickley, James Dunlop. The nervous system : an elementary handbook of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system for the use of students of psychology and neurology /
X0001U C.2.22 Economo, Constantin, Freiherr von, 1876-1931. The cytoarchitectonics of the human cerebral cortex /
X00021 C.2.26 Luciani, Luigi. Human physiology /
X007GA C.2.3 Gates, R. Ruggles 1882- (Reginald Ruggles), Human genetics /
X000AK C.2.34 Duke-Elder, William Stewart, Sir, 1898- Text-book of ophthalmology /
X000AN C.2.35 Duke-Elder, William Stewart, Sir, 1898- Text-book of ophthalmology /
X000AQ C.2.35a Duke-Elder, William Stewart, Sir, 1898- Text-book of ophthalmology /
X007GF C.2.4 Gates, R. Ruggles 1882- (Reginald Ruggles), Human genetics /
X000B7 C.2.42 Gray, Henry, 1827?-1861. Gray's Anatomy : descriptive and applied.
X008O2 C.2.43 Munsterberg, H. Psychologie und Wirtschaftsleben.
X008O6 C.2.44 Donaldson, H.H. The growth of the brain.
X008O9 C.2.45 Lehmann, A. Die Korperlichen Ausserungen Psychischer Zustande.
X008O4 C.2.46 Bain, A. The sense and the intellect.
X008P8 C.2.47 Bell, C., Sir. The hand.
X008P7 C.2.48   Quain's anatomy vol 3 part 3.
X00024 C.2.49 Carus, Paul. The soul of man : an investigation of the facts of physiological and experimentalpsychology /
X008P6 C.2.54 Netter, F.H. The CIBA collection of medical illustrations vol 1: nervous system.
X008P5 C.2.64 Woerdeman, M. W. Atlas of human anatomy : nervous system.
X008P4 C.2.65   Elements of physiological psychology.
X00026 C.2.8 Fraser-Harris, D.F. The ABC of nerves.
X008P3 C.2.81 Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. The mechanistic conception of life : biological essays /
X008P2 C.2.84 Noble, D. The brain and its physiology.
X008P1 C.2.85 Campbell, A.W. Histological studies on the localisation of cerebral function.
X008P0 C.2.86 Hall, M. Memoirs on the nervous system.
X008OV C.2.87 Hall, M. Essays on the theory of convulsive disease.
X008OU C.2.88 Hall, M. Lectures on the nervous system and its diseases.
X008OT C.2.89 Richet, C. Physiologie des muscles et des nerfs.
X008OS C.2.90 Huguenin, G. Anatomie des centres nerveux.
X008OR C.2.91 Eckhard, C. Experimentalphysiologie des Nervensystems.
X008OP C.2.92   Physiologie des Ruckenmarks und Gehirns.
X008OQ C.2.93 Mosso, A. Die Temperatur des Gehirns.
X002Q4 C.4.12a Granit, Ragnar, 1900- Receptors and sensory perception; a discussion of aims, means, and results of electrophysiological research into the process of reception.
X008PE C.4.13 Sutherland, N. S. (Norman Stuart) The methods and findings of experiments on the visual discrimination of shape by animals /
X008PD C.4.15 Mach, E. Bewegungsempfindungen.
X008PC C.4.16 Zwaardermaker, H. Physiologie des Geruchs.
X008PB C.4.17 Meissner, G. Physiologie des Sehorgans.
X008PA C.4.18 Helmholtz, H. Thatsachen in der Wahrnehmung.
X008P9 C.4.19 Urbatschitsch, V. Beeinflussing subjectiver Gesichtsemfindungen.
X008QO C.4.20 Stumpf, Carl, 1848-1936. Uber den psychologischen ursprung der raumvorstellung /
X008QN C.4.23 Katz, D. Der Aufbau der Tastwelt.
X008QM C.4.24 Bain, A. The sense and the intellect.
X008QL C.4.25 Lange, C.L. Emotion.
X008QK C.4.26 Henri, V. Die Raumwahrnemungen des Tastsinnes.
X008QJ C.4.26A Henri, V. Die Raumwahrnemungen des Tastsinnes.
X008QI C.4.27 Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, Baron, 1889-1977. The basis of sensation : the action of the sense organs /
X008QH C.4.29 Nagel, W. Physiologie des Menschen.
X008QG C.4.30 Hering, E. Lehre vom Lichtsinne.
X008QF C.4.31 Zwaardermaker, H. Physiologie des Geruchs.
X008PN C.4.3A Rawdon-Smith, A.F. Theories of sensation.
X008QE C.4.42 Wundt, W. Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung.
X002Q8 C.4.44 Parsons, J.H. An introduction to the theory of perception.
X002Q7 C.4.45 Pieron, H. La sensation; guide de vie.
X002QC C.4.51 Camis, M. The physiology of the vestibular apparatus.
X002QB C.4.52 Moncrieff, R.W. The chemical senses.
X002QJ C.4.62 Harper, Roland, 1916- Odour description and odour classification: a multidisciplinary examination,
X002QI C.4.63 McCartney, W. Olfaction and odours.
X008QD C.4.64 Michotte, A. Signes regionaux.
X008QC C.4.94 Bernstein, J. The five senses of man.(5th ed).
X008Q5 C.5.1 Tullio, Pietro. Das Ohr und die Entstehung der Sprache und Schrift /
X008Q6 C.5.13 Stumpf, Carl, 1848-1936. Tonpsychologie /
X00038 C.5.137e Moore, Brian C. J. An introduction to the psychology of hearing /
X008Q7 C.5.14 Stumpf, C. Tonpsychologie.
X008Q8 C.5.15 Helmholtz, H.L.F. Sensations of tone.
X008Q9 C.5.65 Wrightson, Thomas, Sir, Bart, 1839-1921. An enquiry into the analytical mechanism of the internal ear /
X008QA C.6.10 Hofmann, F.B. Die Lehre vom Raumsinn des Auges.
X0031E C.6.111 Conference on Colour Vision Cambridge, England) (1947 : Documenta ophthalmologica : advances in ophthalmology.
X000UA C.6.11a Wright, W.D. Researches on normal and defective colour vision.
X002P0 C.6.21-22 Ostwald, W. Colour science; a handbook for advanced students in schools, colleges, and the various arts, crafts, and industries depending on the use of colour; authorised translation with an introduction and notes by J Scott Taylor;.
X002P1 C.6.21-22 Ostwald, W. Colour science; a handbook for advanced students in schools, colleges, and the various arts, crafts, and industries depending on the use of colour; authorised translation with an introduction and notes by J Scott Taylor;.
X002P4 C.6.24D Pirenne, M. H. (Maurice Henri) Vision and the eye /
X0095M C.6.283 Ishihara, Shinobu. The series of plates designed as a test for colour-blindness /
X002PB C.6.35A Bartley, S.H. Vision, a study of its basis.
X008QB C.6.38 Jung, R. The visual system: neurophysiology and psychophysics.
X008S8 C.6.49 Hering, E. Ortsinne der Netzhaut.
X000UG C.6.5 Hughes, Brodie. The visual fields : a study of the applications of quantitative perimetry to the anatomy and pathology of the visual pathways /
X008S7 C.6.50 Mach, E. Analyse der Empfindungen.
X008S6 C.6.51 Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727. Opticks : or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light /
X008S5 C.6.52 Sully, J. Illusions.
X008S4 C.6.52A Sully, J. Illusions.
X002PG C.6.54A Von Senden, M. Space and sight.
X008S3 C.6.56 Bourdon, B. La perception visuelle de l'espace.
X002PL C.6.56A Bourdon, B. La perception visuelle de l'espace.
X008S2 C.6.58 Konig, A. Physiologischen Optik.
X008S1 C.6.59 Hoppe, J.L. Psychologisch-Physiologische Optik.
X008RU C.6.60-62 Helmholtz, H. von. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik Dritte auflage, Bands 1 - 3.
X008RV C.6.60-62 Helmholtz, H. von. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik Dritte auflage, Bands 1 - 3.
X008S0 C.6.60-62 Helmholtz, H. von. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik Dritte auflage, Bands 1 - 3.
X000UK C.6.7 Parsons, J.H. An introduction to the study of colour vision.(2nd ed).
X0085Q C.6.75 Marty, Anton, 1847-1914. Die Frage nach der geschichtlichen Entwickelung des Farbensinnes.
X000UJ C.6.7a Parsons, J.H. An introduction to the study of colour vision.(2nd ed).
X00305 C.6.83 Le Grand, Y. Optique physiologique.
X00362 C.8.19 Crinis, M. de. Das Vegetative system.
X00363 C.8.21 Monrad-Krohn, G.H. Om abdominal-reflexerne.
X0002C C.8.5 Holmes, Gordon, Sir, 1876-1965. Selected papers of Gordon Holmes /
X0085S C.8.5A Holmes, Gordon, Sir, 1876-1965. Selected papers of Gordon Holmes /
X0036R C.8.91 Bradshaw, John L., 1940- Human cerebral asymmetry /
X00898 D.1.125 Romanes, George John, 1848-1894. Animal intelligence /
X007FE D.1.15 Morgan, C. Lloyd 1852-1936. (Conwy Lloyd), Instinct and experience /
X002F9 D.1.208 McClearn, Gerald E. Behavioral genetics /
X007FC D.1.33 Thomson, John Arthur, Sir, 1861-1933. The minds of animals : an introduction to the study of animal behaviour /
X002BR D.1.45 Guillaume, Paul, 1878-1962. La psychologie animale /
X007FD D.1.50 Romanes, George John, 1848-1894. Mental evolution in man : origin of human faculty /
X0094H D.1.71 Thorpe, W. H. 1902-1986. (William Homan), Learning and instinct in animals.
X008RT D.2.7 Jennings, H.S. Behaviour of the lower organisms.
X008RS D.2.8 Jennings, H.S. Contribution to the study of behaviour of the lower organisms.
X008RR D.4.13 Smith, E.M. Investigation of mind in animals.
X008RQ D.4.14 Heller, C. Helligkeits und Farbensinnes.
X008RP D.4.15 Loeb, J. Forced movements, tropisms and animal conduct.
X008RO D.4.22 Mast, S.O. Light and the behaviour of organisms.
X008RM D.4.57 Gericke, Wessel. The Dolphin.
X007L3 E.1.41 Thorndike, E.L. Animal intelligence.
X007L0 E.1.82 Robinson. Edward S. Association Theory To-day : an essay in systematic psychology.
X004CB E.11.2   Dynamic skiametry : its theory and practice /
X004C8 E.11.3 Cowing, W.H. Blood pressure: technique simplified.
X004D7 E.11.41 Underwood, Benton J., 1915- Psychological research.
X008DO E.2.133 James, W. The principles of psychology vol 1.
X008HA E.2.133a James, W. The principles of psychology vol 2.
X003MB E.2.16 Higginson, Glenn DeVere. Psychology.
X003MA E.2.17 Garrett, H.E. Great experiments in psychology.
X003M8 E.2.19 Crafts, Leland W. Recent experiments in psychology,
X003N8 E.2.2 Myers, Charles S. An introduction to experimental psychology /
X00866 E.2.29 Myers, Charles Samuel, 1873- A text-book of experimental psychology : with laboratory exercises /
X003M4 E.2.30 Myers, Charles Samuel, 1873- A text-book of experimental psychology with laboratory exercises /
X008OL E.2.365 James, William, 1842-1910. The principles of psychology /
X008OM E.2.366 James, William, 1842-1910. The principles of psychology /
X003TD E.2.42 Bartlett, Frederic C. Sir, 1887-1969. (Frederic Charles), The mind at work and play.
X003U6 E.2.55 Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 1850-1909. Abriss der psychologie /
X003PS E.2.56 Sprott, W. J. H. 1897-1971. (Walter John Herbert), Psychology for everyone : an outline of general psychology /
X0040U E.4.33A Michotte, A. The perception of causality.
X0047J E.4.376a   Attention, space, and action : studies in cognitive neuroscience /
X007FN E.4.45 Gregory, R. L. (Richard Langton) Eye and brain : the psychology of seeing /
X008MI E.4.62 Spigel, I.M. Readings in the study of visually perceived movement.
X0042N E.5.17   Neuropsychological and cognitive processes in reading /
X0042H E.5.21   Reading disabilities : the interaction of reading, language, and neuropsychological deficits /
X0043F E.5.8   Reading and visual fatigue.
X000H3 E.6.237 Baron, Jonathan, 1944- Thinking and deciding /
X00821 E.6.338a Gluck, Mark A. Learning and memory : from brain to behavior /
X008CB E.6.338b Gluck, Mark A. Learning and memory : from brain to behavior /
X0001J E.7.2 Crile, George Washington, 1864- The origin and nature of the emotions : miscellaneous papers.
X000J2 E.7.49 Bain, A. The emotions and the will.
X006CD E.8.123 Kuo, Jên-yüan, 1898- The dynamics of behavior development : an epigenetic view /
X008RD E.8.201x Bindra, Dalbir. A theory of intelligent behavior /
X006DT E.8.244 Hull, Clark Leonard, 1884-1952. Principles of behavior, an introduction to behavior theory,
X00831 E.9.37a Humphrey, George, b. 1889. Thinking : an introduction to its experimental psychology.
X007GD F.2.2   Automata studies /
X007GH G.11 Dawson, Shepherd, 1880- An introduction to the computation of statistics /
X007GI G.12 Lindquist, Everet Franklin, 1901- A first course in statistics : their use and interpretation in education and psychology.
X004K4 G.134 Meddis, R. Statistics using ranks; a unified approach.
X004IE G.17 Walker, Helen M. 1891-1983. (Helen Mary), Studies in the history of statistical method, with special reference to certain educational problems,
X004IF G.20 Good, Isidore Jacob. Probability and the weighing of evidence /
X004IG G.21 Hill, Austin Bradford, Sir, 1897- Principles of medical statistics /
X004II G.22 Snedecor, George W. 1881-1974, author. (George Waddel), Statistical methods applied to experiments in agriculture and biology /
X004IJ G.23 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, Sir, 1890-1962. The design of experiments.
X004IK G.26 Goulden, Cyril Harold, 1897-1981. Methods of statistical analysis /
X0087J G.27 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, Sir, 1890-1962. Statistical tables for biological, agricultural, and medical research /
X004IO G.31 Kendall, Maurice G. 1907-1983. (Maurice George), A dictionary of statistical terms :
X004IQ G.39 Guilford, J. P. 1897- (Joy Paul), Psychometric methods /
X007GE G.5 Yule, G. Udny 1871-1951. (George Udny), An introduction to the theory of statistics /
X004JH G.71 Wald, Abraham, 1902-1950. Sequential analysis /
X0016A H.1.102 International Interdisciplinary Conference on Piagetian Theory and Its Implications for the Helping Professions University of Southern California) 1977 : (7th : Piagetian theory and its implications for the helping professions : emphasis, social work, and psychological services : proceedings : seventh interdisciplinary conference /
X0014M H.1.13 Lehtovaara, Arvo Johannes. Psychologische Zwillingsuntersuchungen.
X0013C H.1.2 Blatz, William E., 1895-1964. Parents and the pre-school child /
X0014G H.1.31 International Congress of Applied Psychology Copenhagen) 1961 : (14th : Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Applied Psychology, Copenhagen [August 13-19] 1961 /
X0014K H.1.34   Manual of child psychology.
X00149 H.1.51 Watson, R.I. Psychology of the child.(2nd ed).
X00142 H.1.55   Manual of child psychology /
X0013N H.1.6 Hazlitt, Victoria. The psychology of infancy /
X0013M H.1.7 Arlitt, Ada Hart, 1890- Psychology of infancy and early childhood /
X0017S H.2.12 Johnson, B.J. Mental growth of children.
X001B7 H.2.120   The structuring of experience.
X001BG H.2.131   Observing and recording the behavior of young children.
X001C8 H.2.133 Beadle, Muriel. A child's mind: how children learn during the critical years from birth to age five;
X001D0 H.2.168 Brody, S. Patterns of mothering.
X00195 H.2.24 Graewe, H. Zwillinge und Schule.
X00193 H.2.26 McCarthy, R.C. Training the adolescent.
X0018R H.2.42 Nielsen, G.S., ed. Child and education.
X0019L H.2.57   Child development.
X009GN H.2.65 Kent, N. Effect of family structure on development in childhood. PhD dissertation.
X001EQ H.3.14 Rey, A. L'intelligence practique chez l'enfant.
X001II H.3.145 Young, R.M. Seriation by children, an artificial intelligence analysis of a Piagetian task.
X001ET H.3.17   Die Kindersprache.
X001DS H.3.2 Symonds, P.M. Adolescent fantasy.
X001F4 H.3.23 Davis, E.A. The development of linguistic skill in twins.
X001F8 H.3.24 Deutsche, J.M. The development of children's concepts of causal relatins.
X001F3 H.3.25   Painting and personality, 1.
X001E0 H.3.3   Speech in childhood.
X001FV H.3.35 Russell, D.H. Children's thinking.
X001FU H.3.36   Psychologie et épistémologie génétiques, thèmes piagétiens, hommage à Jean Piaget avec une bibliographie complète de ses œuvres.
X001GG H.3.79   Baby talk and infant speech.
X001OC H.4.11 Kocher, F. La reeducation des dyslexiques.
X001PJ H.4.2 Malmquist, E. Reading disablity in the first grade of the elementary school.
X001P7 H.4.20 Fuller, J.K. The psychology and physiology of mirror- writing.
X001PN H.4.4 Bronner, A.F. The psychology of special abilities and disabilities.
X001PM H.4.5 Lavrand, H. Reeducation physique et psychique.
X001O9 H.4.9 Huey, E.B. Backward and feeble-minded children.
X008TM H.5.11 Watson, J.B. Psychological care of the infant and child.
X005SR H.5.15   Lawless youth /
X0001A H.5.18 Neill, A. The problem child.
X007GL H.5.2 Bowlby, J. Maternal care and mental health.
X007GK H.5.23 Isaacs, S. The Cambridge evacuation survey.
X00863 H.5.3 Burt, C. The young delinquent.
X0029L I.2.10 Aldrich, Charles Roberts. The primitive mind and modern civilization /
X0029K I.2.11 Edel, M.M. The Chiga of Western Uganda.
X0029P I.2.12 Kardiner, A. The individual and his society.
X0029O I.2.14 Malinowski, B. Sex and repression in savage society.
X0029N I.2.15 Hrdlicka, A. The natives of Kharga Oasis Egypt.
X0029S I.2.16 Hayley, T.T.S. The anatomy of Lango religion and groups.
X0029R I.2.17 Reclus, E. Primitive folk.
X0029Q I.2.19 Marett, P.R. Psychology and folklore.
X002AM I.2.20 Oesterreich, Traugott Konstantin, 1880-1949. Possession, demoniacal and other, among primitive races, in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and modern times /
X002AL I.2.21 Murphy, J. Primitive man, his essential quest.
X002AQ I.2.22 Hoffman, W.J. The graphic art of Eskimos.
X002AP I.2.23 Bateson, Gregory, 1904-1980. Naven : a survey of problems suggested by a composite picture of the culture of a New Guinea tribe drawn from three points of view /
X002AN I.2.24 In store order in advance emailing Librarian Pitt-Rivers, G.H. The clash of culture and the contact of races.
X002AT I.2.25 In store Order in advance emailing Librarian Blackwood, Beatrice. Both sides of Buka Passage : an ethnographic study of social, sexual and economic questions in the north-western Solomon Islands /
X0029J I.2.4 In store, order in advance emailing Librarian Levy-Bruhl, L. The soul of the primitive.
X0029I I.2.7 Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. Structure and function in primitive society.
X0029M I.2.9 Porteus, S.D. Primitive intelligence and environment.
X00298 I.3.1 McDougall, W. Ethics and some world problems.
X0028R I.3.10 In Store order in advance emailing Librarian Stratton, G.M. International delusions.
X0028Q I.3.11   The time-budgets of human behaviour.
X0028P I.3.12 Rohde, E. Psyche.
X0028U I.3.13 Liao, W.K. The individual and the community.
X0028T I.3.14 Hankin, E. H. Nationalism and the communal mind.
X0028S I.3.15 Le Bon, G. The psychology of revolution.
X00291 I.3.16 Allier, R. The mind of the savage.
X00290 I.3.17 Lasswell, H.D. The analysis of political behaviour.
X0028V I.3.18 Kropotkin, P. Mutual aid.
X00294 I.3.19 Barzun, J. Race: a study in modern superstition.
X00293 I.3.20 Rivers, W.H.R. Psychology and politics.
X0029V I.3.23 Hobhouse, L.T. Social development.
X0029U I.3.24 Mannheim, K. Man and society.
X0029T I.3.25 Westermarck, E. Early beliefs and their social influence.
X002A2 I.3.28 Brown, W. War and peace.
X002A1 I.3.28 Brown, W. War and peace.
X002A0 I.3.29   Dynamics of population.
X0029D I.3.3 McDougall, W. National welfare and national decay.
X002A5 I.3.30 Mayo, E. Human problems of an industrial civilization.
X002A4 I.3.31 Cooley, Charles Horton, 1864-1929. Introductory sociology /
X002A3 I.3.32 Wilcocks, R.W. The poor white.
X002A8 I.3.33   Personal aggressiveness and war.
  I.3.34 Child, I.L. Italian or American?
X002A6 I.3.39 Gittler, J.B., ed. Understanding minority groups.
X0027B I.3.40 Dollard, J. Caste and class in a Southern town.
X0029B I.3.5 Nef, J.U. Cultural foundations of industrial civilization.
X0029G I.3.6 Unwin, J.D. Sexual regulations and human behviour.
X0029F I.3.7In store , order in advance emailing Librarian West, R. Conscience and society.
X0029E I.3.9 Durkheim, E. De la division du travail social.
X0028F I.4.1 Albig, W. Public opinion.
X0028E I.4.2   Personality in the depression.
X0028D I.4.3 Sherif, M. The psychology of social norms.
X0028I I.4.4  Lowell, A.L. Public opinion in war and peace.
X00283 I.5.1 Leopold, L. Prestige.
X00287 I.5.10 Bartlett, F.C. Political propaganda.
X0028C I.5.11 Bartlett, F.C. Political propaganda.
X0028B I.5.12 Lehmann, A. Aberglaube und Bauberet.
X0028A I.5.14 Baynes, H. G. 1882-1943. (Helton Godwin), Germany possessed,
X00272 I.5.15 Jennings, H.H. Leadership and isolation.
X00271 I.5.17 Harris, H. The group approach to leadership-testing.
X00270 I.5.18 Harding, D.W. Social psychology and individual values.
X00275 I.5.19 Doob, L.W. Public opinion and propaganda.
X00282 I.5.2 Harding, D.W. The impulse to dominate.
X00274 I.5.20 Doob, L.W. Public opinion and propaganda.
X00273 I.5.21 Packard, V. The hidden persuaders.
X00278 I.5.22 Penrose, L.S. Objective study on crowd behaviour.
X00277 I.5.23 Meunier, R. De l'illusion.
X00276 I.5.24 Whitehead, T.N. Leadership in free society.
X00281 I.5.3 Lasswell, H.D. Propaganda technique in the World War.
X00286 I.5.5 Unwin, J.D. Hopousia.
X00285 I.5.6 McDougall, W. The group mind.
X00284 I.5.7 Murchison, C. Social psychology.
X00289 I.5.8 Klineberg, O. Tensions affecting international understanding.
X00288 I.5.9 Essertier, D. Des l'explication.
X0026S I.6.12 Guetzkow, H., ed. Groups leadership and men.
X0026R I.6.13 Homans, G.C. The human group.
X0026L I.6.6 Fogarty, M.P. Personality and group relations in industry.
X0026K I.6.8 Dollard, J. Criteria for the life history.
X00260 I.7.1 Mayo, E. The social problems of an industrial civilization.
X0025V I.7.2 Abrams, Mark, 1906-1994. Social surveys and social action /
X00264 I.7.3 Robinson, V.P. A changing psychology in social case work.
X00263 I.7.4 Bevington, S.M. Nursing life and discipline.
X00262 I.7.5   The psychology of radio.
X00267 I.7.6   Social psychology through experiment.
X0026F I.8.11 Fink, A.E. Causes of crime.
X00253 I.8.13 Brearley, H.C. Homicide in the United States.
X0024I I.8.15 Weihoffen, H. Insanity as a defence in criminal law.
X00853 I.8.16 Arnold, G.F. Pscyhology applied to legal evidence.
X00265 I.8.2 Lange, J. Crime as destiny.
X0026A I.8.3 Weichbrodt, R. Der Selbstmord.
X00268 I.8.5 Allier, R. Le non-civilise et nous.
X0026D I.8.6 Halbwachs, M. Les causes de suicide.
X0026C I.8.8 Murchison, C. Criminal intelligence.
X0026B I.8.9 Achille-Delmas, F. Psychologie pathologique du suicide.
X0025O J.1.1 Cameron, N. The psychology of behaviour disorders.
X0024A J.1.10 Hunt, J. McV. Personality and behaviour disorders vol 2.
X00249 J.1.12 Cole, R.H. Mental diseases.
X0024E J.1.14 Conklin, E.S. Principles of abnormal psychology.
X0024D J.1.15   Textbook of abnormal psychology.
X0024C J.1.16 Devereaux, G. Reality and dream.
X0024H J.1.18A Hollingworth, H.L. Abnormal psychology.
X0025L J.1.24 Munsterberg, H. Psychotherapy.
X0025K J.1.25 Sidis, B. The foundation of normal and abnormal psychology.
X0025J J.1.26   An introduction to psychological medicine /
X00240 J.1.27   The problem of mental disorder.
X00245 J.1.28 Marie, A. Psychologie-pathologique vol 1.
X0025M J.1.6 Culpin, M. Mental abnormality: facts and theories.
X0024B J.1.9 Hunt, J. McV. Personality and behaviour disorders vol 1.
X0023M J.2.20 Wortis, J. Soviet psychiatry.
X00235 J.2.42 Myers, C.S. Shell shock in France.
X00745 J.7.27 Rorschach, H. Psychodiagnostik.
X00767 J.8.8 Jolowicz, E. Suggestion therapy.
X00766 J.8.9 Mason, R.O. Hypnotism and suggestion.
X008NG Journal   Special Report Series, Medical Research Council.
X008SM Journal   Special Report Series, Medical Research Council.
X0079C K.1.127c Mackintosh, N. J. 1935- (Nicholas John), IQ and human intelligence /
X000TN K.2.2 Spearman, C. Nature of intelligence and principles of cognition.
X000TM K.2.3 Spearman, C. The abilities of man.
X000TB K.3.13 Ballard, P.B. Group test of intelligence.
X007B1 K.3.14   La practique des testes mentaux.
X007B0 K.3.15 Herring, J.P. Herring revision of the Binet-Simon tests.
X007B2 K.3.21 Goodenough, F.L. The Kuhlman-Binet tests for children of preschool age.
X007B7 K.3.22 Gardner, D.E. Testing results in the infant school.
X007B6 K.3.23 Ballard, Philip Boswood, 1865-1950. Mental tests /
X007AU K.3.40 Cox, J.W. Mechanical aptitude.
X007AT K.3.41   Performance tests of intelligence: a series of non-linguistic tests for deaf and normal children.
X00155 K.3.42 Wingfield, A.H. Twins and orphans.
X007BL K.3.45 Terman, L.M. The measurement of intelligence. Reprint.
X007BK K.3.48A Vernon, Philip Ewart. Intelligence and cultural environment /
X007BP K.3.49 Vernon, Philip E., 1905-1987. Intelligence and attainment tests /
X007BO K.3.50 Butcher, Harold John. Human intelligence : its nature and assessment /
X007BN K.3.52 Butcher, Harold John. Human intelligence : its nature and assessment /
X007BR K.3.54 Vernon, P.E. Intelligence and attainment tests.
X007C2 K.3.64   IQ and mental testing: an unnatural science and its social history.
X0085B K.3.71   The black-white test score gap /
X0087P K.5.10 Terman, L.M. Psychological factors in marital happiness.
X006GU K.7 3 Klages, L. Handschrift und Charakter.
X006GT K.7.4   Creativity and intelligence.
X006GN L.1.1 Poffenberger, A.T. Principles of applied psychology.
X0087C L.1.12   La psychotechnique.
X006GV L.1.14   Ten years in industrial psychology.
X006H2 L.1.15   Industrial psychology in practice.
X006H1 L.1.16 Link.HC. Employment psychology.
X006H0 L.1.18 Drever, James, 1873-1950. The psychology of industry,
X006H5 L.1.20 Collins, Mary, Ph. D. Psychology and practical life,
X006H4 L.1.22 Bingham, W.V. Applications of psychology.
X006H3 L.1.23 Ioteyko, J. The science of labour.
X006HU L.1.27   Principles of industrial psychology.
X006GJ L.1.28 Florence, P.S. Economics of fatigue and unrest.
X006GM L.1.29   Personnel and industrial psychology.
X006GR L.1.3 McCormick, E.J. Human engineering.
X006GP L.1.30 Wisdom, J. Interpretation and analysis.
X006GS L.1.31 Smith, M. An introduction to industrial psychology.
X006GI L.1.32 Weber, W. Die Praktische Psychologie im Wirtschaftsleben.
X006GL L.1.33 Drury, H.B. Scientific management.
X006GH L.1.34 Kelly, R.W. Hiring the worker.
X006GK L.1.35 Gilbreth, F.B. Primer of scientific management.
X006GO L.1.36 Viteles, M.S. The science of work.
X006HF L.1.37 Price, H.H. Thinking and experience.
X006GQ L.1.4 Chapanis, A. Research techniques in human engineering.
X006HJ L.1.41A Myers, C.S. Industrial psychology in Great Britain.
X006HI L.1.46 Sinaiko, H.W., ed. Selected papers on human factors in the design and the use of control systems.
X006HN L.1.48 Raven, J. C. (John C.) Psychological principles appropriate to social and clinical problems /
X006HM L.1.49 Holding, D.H., ed. Experimental psychology in industry : selected readings /
X006HQ L.1.50 Bennett, Peter D. Consumer behavior
X006HT L.1.51   Consumer behaviour.
X006HP L.1.52   Consumer behavior /
X006HL L.1.53 Strümpel, Burkhard. Human behavior in economic affairs : essays in honor of George Katona, with concluding comments by George Katona /
X006HO L.1.54 Whiting, H.T.A., ed. Readings in sports psychology.
X006HS L.1.55 Das, R.C. Agricultural psychology.
X006HR L.1.56   Acceptable risk /
X006I0 L.1.57 Myers, C.S., ed. Industrial psychology.
X006HV L.1.59 Lea, S. E. G. The individual in the economy : a study of economic psychology.
X006HB L.1.60 Goldstein, Arnold P. (Arnold Paul) Modern applied psychology /
X006HH L.1.65 Norman, Donald A. The psychology of everday things.
X006HK L.1.66 Hillier, Bill, 1937- The social logic of space /
X005TD L.2.15 Florence, P.S. Use of factory statistics in the investigation of industrial fatigue.
X005TC L.2.16 Griffith, C.R. An introduction to applied psychology.
X005TB L.2.18 Raphael, W. S. Industrial psychology applied to the office.
X005TA L.2.19 Tramm, K.A. Psychotechnik und Taylor-System.
X006HA L.2.2   Applied motion study.
X005T9 L.2.20 Vernon, H.M. Accidents and their prevention.
X005T8 L.2.22   Methodologie psychotechnique /
X005T7 L.2.24 Arnold, M.A. Story sequence, analysis.
X006H9 L.2.2A   Applied motion study.
X005TP L.2.33 North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development. Aerospace Medical Panel. Anthropometry and human engineering : a symposium on anthropometry, human engineering and related subjects was conducted by the AGARD Aeromedical Panel on 3 and 4 May 1954 in Scheveningen, The Netherlands.
X005TO L.2.34 Kearns, Joseph L. Stress in industry /
X005TN L.2.37 Bugard, P. La fatigue: physiologie - psychologie et medicine sociale.
X005TM L.2.39   Fatigue.
X006HD L.2.4   Management and the worker.
X005TL L.2.40   Fatigue and impairment in man.
X005TK L.2.42 Singleton, W.T., ed. The body at work; biological ergonomics.
X006HC L.2.5   Management and the worker.
X006HG L.2.6 Griffin, A.K. Aristotle's psychology of conduct.
X005T4 L.2.7 Vernon, H.M. The shorter working week.
X005T5 L.2.8 Oakley, Charles Allen. Handbook of vocational guidance : secondary and public schools /
X005T6 L.2.9 Chambers, E.G. Psychology and the industrial worker.
X005TJ L.3.1   The American soldier vol 1 /
X0071R L.3.2 Baumgarten, F. Les examens d'aptitude professionelle.
X007HJ L.3.3   Measurement and prediction /
X005TI L.3.4 Bray, Charles W. 1904- (Charles William), Psychology and military proficiency : a history of the Applied Psychology Panel of the National Defense Research Committee /
X00721 L.3.5 McFarland, R.A. Human factors in air transport design.
X0071Q L.3.6   The American soldier vol 2 /
X0071P L.3.7 Walsh, M.N., ed. War and the human race,
X0071T L.3.8 Dixon, Norman F. On the psychology of military incompetence /
X00720 L.4 2   Personnel selection in the British Forces.
X0071S L.4.1 Hunter, Guy. Studies in management.
X000SV L.4.10 Beaumont, H. Psychology applied to personnel.
X000SU L.4.11 Oldfield, R.C. The psychology of the interview.
X000ST L.4.12   How to interview.
X006IG L.4.14 Bartlett, F.C. Psychology and the soldier.
X000T2 L.4.15 Kline, Paul. Psychology of vocational guidance /
X000T1 L.4.16 Willings, D. Understanding management.
X0071V L.4.3 Webb, S. The works manager today.
X00724 L.4.4 Bevington, S. Occupational misfits.
  L.4.6 Macrae, A. Talents and temperaments.
X00723 L.4.6 Macrae, A. Talents and temperaments.
X00722 L.4.7 Earle, F.M. Psychology and the choice of a career.
X00727 L.4.8 Kemble, W.F. Choosing employees.
X000SQ L.4.9 Beaumont, H. The psychology of personnel.
X000T0 L.5.1 Vischer, A.L. Old age: its compensations and rewards.
X006IK L.5.11   The handbooks of aging /
X009EC L.5.13   Aging in the 1980s : psychological issues /
X006IJ L.5.14   Aging and cognitive processes.
X006IO L.5.15 Bright, R. Music in geriatric care.
X006IN L.5.16 Bromley, D. B. 1924- (Dennis Basil), Behavioural gerontology : central issues in the psychology of ageing /
X006IM L.5.17 Stuart-Hamilton, Ian. The Psychology of ageing.
X000T5 L.5.2 Sheldon, J.H. The social medicien of old age.
X000T3 L.5.3 Rowntree, B.S. Old people.
X000T8 L.5.4 Strong, E.K. Change of interest with age.
X000T7 L.5.5 Lawton, G. New goals for old age.
X000T6 L.5.6   Behaviour aging and the nervous system.
X000T4 L.5.7   Age and function.
X006IL L.5.8   Human aging and behavior.
X00862 L.5.9 Birren, J.E., ed. Handbook of aging and the individual.
X0087L M.1.1 Evans, J. Taste and temperament.
X008T0 M.1.10 Berlyne, D. E. Aesthetics and psychobiology /
X0086F M.1.6 Cornish, V. Scenery and the sense of sight.
X0087E M.3.3 Bourget, P. Essais de psychologie contemporaine 1.
X0087B N.145 Phillips, Derek L. Abandoning method /
X0090K N.150a Craik, Kenneth James Williams, author. The nature of explanation /
X0090J N.150b Craik, Kenneth James Williams, author. The nature of explanation /
X005QJ N.184 Blanshard, B. The nature of thought Vol 1.
X007EE N.23 Pratt, C.C. The logic of modern psychology.
X007DU N.31 Bosanquet, B. The essentials of logic.
X007DT N.32 Bosanquet, B. Psychology of the moral self.
X007DS N.33 Brunschvigg, L. Les Ages de l'intelligence.
X007E1 N.34 Bergson, H. Matiere et memoire.
X0004R S.50 Craik, K. J. W. (Kenneth James William) The Nature of psychology : a selection of papers, essays and other writings by the late Kenneth J.W. Craik /
X007SN S.7 Taylor, J., ed. Selected writings of John Hughlings Jackson.
X007SK S.8 Taylor, J., ed. Selected writings of John Hughlings Jackson.
X00128 T.1 Fraser, D. C. A psychological glossary.
X00879 W.7 Lawton, George, 1900-1957. Aging successfully.
X0086E W.8 Matthews, R. English messiahs.
X0087A W.9 McDougall, W. Character and the conduct of life.
  X.21 Masters, William H. 1915- (William Howell), Human sexuality /
X0069O X.21 Masters, William H. 1915- (William Howell), Human sexuality /

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